Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Plea for the Physical

Ideas for Discussion and Writing

1. I would be more at home riding on a subway rather than hiking in the woods. In my opinion, hiking is too boring and dry for my liking. I would prefer to sit down on the skytrain and watch the world speed by between me and the window of the train. I would take the elevator instead of the stairs. I would have a sweaty workout at the gym, rather than watching a hockey game on TV. I don't even like hockey, so watching a hockey game is out of the question. And finally, I would check my e-mail instead of shoveling snow in the cold.
I prefer to be physical to a certain extent. I'm not going to waste time by climbing the stairs or catch a cold by shoveling snow. My idea of being physical means getting fit and enjoying an exercise, not using my body for unnecessary tasks. If I don't get physical and become sedentary, my body feels awkward and I slightly lose my mind. As a result I prefer to be physical.

1 comment:

  1. so in other words...anything that smacks of work is something you don't prefer right? lol! Well, funny you should say that you don't like shoveling snow. My family fights over who gets to shovel all the snow and when I don't get enough...I do my neighbours' driveway and sidewalk too!
