Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Plea for the Physical

Ideas for Discussion and Writing

1. I would be more at home riding on a subway rather than hiking in the woods. In my opinion, hiking is too boring and dry for my liking. I would prefer to sit down on the skytrain and watch the world speed by between me and the window of the train. I would take the elevator instead of the stairs. I would have a sweaty workout at the gym, rather than watching a hockey game on TV. I don't even like hockey, so watching a hockey game is out of the question. And finally, I would check my e-mail instead of shoveling snow in the cold.
I prefer to be physical to a certain extent. I'm not going to waste time by climbing the stairs or catch a cold by shoveling snow. My idea of being physical means getting fit and enjoying an exercise, not using my body for unnecessary tasks. If I don't get physical and become sedentary, my body feels awkward and I slightly lose my mind. As a result I prefer to be physical.