Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Short Story

It all started with my mother waking me up from my sleep at 6 o’clock in the morning. I realized a great vibration in the air and couldn't hear what my mother was trying to tell me. She gave up trying to talk over the loud noise, gestured to me furiously to come over to the bedroom window, and pointed towards the sky. Still feeling drowsy, I threw off the blankets to the side and dragged myself in slow steps by her side. As I stood beside my mother, I gazed in the general direction that she kept on emphasizing with abnormal behavior. I didn't understand what she was so paranoid about until I had a look myself. For a moment I watched with disbelief and awe, few seconds later I faced my mother with terror. There were rows and rows of unfamiliar planes, not normally seen to occupy the skies, heading deep into the mainland; all of which, wore a foreign flag on the flanks.
Just as I was fumbling for my clothes, I experienced the first bombing of my life. It was unlike any other explosions; more intense and thrilling than bombs from any war movie. Even though there are no more movies being produced these days, not since 80 years ago, it resulted from policies made by the government. They said that they were going to spend more money for improvement on military and their equipment. This had also meant that no money was used for entertainment or on any other subjects that doesn't involve with improving the government.

I decided to meet up with as much people as I could, I gave calls to many, and told them to bring whatever they could and to bring along their family members that live with them as well. The meeting area was at the school that all my friends attended. After a couple a minutes passed the meeting time, familiar faces started to appear. I felt exhausted after greeting all the people that came and it was very difficult to grab their attention until a big explosion met us a block away. As if everyone had been shot, silence was finally granted. I took the opportunity to speak to the crowd and suggested plans. My plan was that since we were in a war, all teenagers 16 and over should start practicing combat with guns. In addition, all parents, grandparents, seniors, and people who are not able to fight transfer to a safe hideout until situation got better. So that’s how our small army started with around fifty people.

We separated our army into five groups of ten people. Each group had a leader with the best combat skills. We stole into the gun shops and grabbed everything we could. Every day, we went off to places that opened in big space that was a little bit like a country side setting.

After just two months of training, some of us got action while patrolling the streets of our neighborhood. It was close to midnight and there were three soldiers of the enemy force, two men and a woman. My group and I quickly hid behind the nearest large bush and waited with our guns ready to shoot. The enemies decided to have a smoke break couple meters in front of the bush and had their backs to us. I quietly reached in my bag and took out a pistol and a silencer. I assembled them together and counted to three before I shot the poor backs of the enemy. As soon as the three beings fell helplessly, some of the guys waiting behind the bush pulled the three dead bodies behind the large bush and collected ammunition and equipment. It was the first time we made a killing and the occurrence stayed in our heads for days.

It has been exactly 10 years since bombs were first dropped. In other words, the world slowly crept into war that nobody had expected. We now fight on our own like the way soldiers do. We make our own tactics and guard our own land. We lose those who are most precious and dear to our lives. In return, we kill those who are most precious and dear to the enemies.

The fighting died down and there is a noticeable change in the activity. My friends and I reside in a factory that is well hidden and now stored with ammunition, equipment  and food. Our groups shrink over time and families are unreachable. Each day we try and connect with the government, in hopes to find a bigger group of an army. However, our hopes are turned down and we can only expect the worst to happen. We'll fight to the end and give every bit of our energy to stop the war once and for all.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Poem on true love

There is a difference in holding your hands and others
Our fingers lock and warmth is found
I see your face everyday but you seem as beautiful as the first time
Come closer so I can hug you, fill my heart with your body
I secretly pray that everyday would be joyful like this
I want to kiss you as I flip your hair over
True love can't be described merely by words, you can only feel it

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Plea for the Physical

Ideas for Discussion and Writing

1. I would be more at home riding on a subway rather than hiking in the woods. In my opinion, hiking is too boring and dry for my liking. I would prefer to sit down on the skytrain and watch the world speed by between me and the window of the train. I would take the elevator instead of the stairs. I would have a sweaty workout at the gym, rather than watching a hockey game on TV. I don't even like hockey, so watching a hockey game is out of the question. And finally, I would check my e-mail instead of shoveling snow in the cold.
I prefer to be physical to a certain extent. I'm not going to waste time by climbing the stairs or catch a cold by shoveling snow. My idea of being physical means getting fit and enjoying an exercise, not using my body for unnecessary tasks. If I don't get physical and become sedentary, my body feels awkward and I slightly lose my mind. As a result I prefer to be physical.