Monday, April 15, 2013

English self-found poem


Dripping whispers of the dead
Silence came fast through the forest towards the open beach
Lord of the Flies grinned and dripped, displaying ancient, inescapable recognition of evil

Laughter of the Beast echoes
Creatures follow in waves of silver as if the head called to them
Looming about, they covered all of innocence

Colours drained from the island
The earth with a horrible mole
The inaudible corruption spreads

The Beast hunted and killed, in hopes of ending fear
Fear discovered violence, in hopes of safety
Hopes turned down, boys killed

The spear moving inch by inch
Deeper and deeper into the darkness that lures
Daylight might have answered yes;
But the darkness and the horrors of death said no

Dim-eyed, grinning faintly, blood blackening,
The dead threatened hopeful rescue